Idea: Grunt/gulp/webpack config builder


I don’t know why such kind of service still have not been invented. It’s not only about grunt/gulp or webpack but also about build tools of such kind.

It could be so useful: you just feed your github repo to the service and in step by step wizard create your config file. After all you have pull request with changes(new config file) to your project.

Idea: Jira Web Application (Single Page)


For me it’s pretty strange that the most popular (IMHO) task tracker does not have web application (only webpage). All products hosted by Atlassian is terribly slow! Almost for each action it reloads the page. Nowadays it’s not possible to imaging good online service that is not responsive single page.

I hope that they already started working on new version that would be completely single page. Also I could not find any plugin that would cover this possibility.

So basically my idea is to make Jira SPA like a core solution, or create a plugin for Jira at least for the most used part – Agile Board.

Idea: BacklogDonator


Idea brought by Oleg Polovets. Oleg, I hope you don’t mind sharing it here. The idea quite simple, but more the useful for popular open-source projects.

Usually if your open-source solution is widely used you have a quite big backlog with requests to update some parts of your code. And in almost all the cases you don’t have time to cover them all immediately. So which one to take first?

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“Start me up” – new category on blog


I decided to create special category where I’ll describe all ideas of projects (or startup if you want) which came into my mind. Ideas from real and virtual world. Ideas that have right for life, but for a long time continue to be  at the embryo stage. I do not want to store them in my head, otherwise the warehouse will be full and there will be no place for new ideas.

If you find something interesting for you and would like to bring it to life – you are more than welcome!

It would be also interesting to hear your thought about these ideas.

[now the same in Russian]

Решил сделать специальный раздел, где описывать все идеи проектов (если хотите – “стартапов”), которые приходят в голову. Идеи как реального, так и виртуального мира. Идеи, которые имеют право на жизнь, но при этом долгое время продолжают находится на стадии эмбриона. Я не хочу их складировать в голове, иначе склад переполнится и для новых идей места уже не будет.

Если найдете среди них что-то, что вы заходите воплотить в жизнь – пожалуйста! Используйте их на здоровье.

Критика в комментариях так же приветствуется. Мне будет интересно послушать ваше мнение.