New github acid colors … and return back to normal colors

Do you see the same what I see right now? I don’t know why but github team decided to change link color and folder color to ugly acid blue.

Hardly got used to it and decided to create userscript to return the normal color. You are welcome to contribute.

To install userscript you can use Tampermonkey google extension.

Idea: BacklogDonator


Idea brought by Oleg Polovets. Oleg, I hope you don’t mind sharing it here. The idea quite simple, but more the useful for popular open-source projects.

Usually if your open-source solution is widely used you have a quite big backlog with requests to update some parts of your code. And in almost all the cases you don’t have time to cover them all immediately. So which one to take first?

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В поисках сервиса для деплоя

semaphore-logo  dploy-logo  ftploy-logo  codeship-logo

На данным момент мы для своего проекта используем semaphore. Этот же сервис я использую и для своих личный проектов. Задача на него ставиться простая: при каждом пуше в мастер – выливаем код в продакшен, предварительно выполнив тесты и подготовив билд.

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FeedTheDevs. For the moral of our developers

Let me introduce you my pet-project FeedTheDevs. It provides easy way to estimate (by voting ) each PullRequest to any github repo. Could be used like developer work evaluation.

Application was created using AngularJS, node.js, PostgreSQL, GitHub API. You can find source code here.

Why “feed”? For got PR you give developer pizza, otherwise you feed him with spoiled tomatoes :)