I’m now a Mac user, before, a long time ago it was Ubuntu.
Soft that I use
- Homebrew – package manager Mac
- iTerm + zshell – terminal extension
- VSCode (now experimenting with cursor)
- vim + sublime
- 1password – password manager
- CyberDuck, FileZilla – FTP, S3, etc browser
- VLC player
- Calendar 2
- Caffeine – keep your screen ON
- Disk Doctor – simple disk cleanup
- ScreenFlow – for screencasts
- Tunnelblick – VPN client
- Awareness – break management
- Asana
- Dropbox (thinking about complete migration to Google Drive)
- Grammarly
- PingStatus – shows how stable is your internet connection
- Mac Notes – still find it the best short todo list app
- MacGPT – ChatGPT client for Mac, the inline option is very interesting
- aider – AI code editor in your terminal
- Sequel Pro – lightweight SQL client
.sh profile
ppping() { echo 'Start ping ' $1 while ! ping -c1 $1 &>/dev/null; do :; done echo $1' reached!' } alias go="git checkout" alias code="code-insiders" alias review-up="git stash && git checkout master && git pull && git branch -D review && git checkout -b review && git push --no-verify --force --set-upstream origin review"