When you have several projects and lots of small tasks it’s easy to forget something important for standup. git standup command will help you with quick commit notes for X period of time.
Git standup to prepare your notes
When you have several projects and lots of small tasks it’s easy to forget something important for standup. git standup command will help you with quick commit notes for X period of time.
Everything you need is just install npm package:
$ npm install --global speed-test
and run
$ speed-test
npm install -g caniuse-cmd
just put it here (taken from @addyosmani)
На всякий случай сделаю заметку, чтобы не забыть. Так как по умолчанию команда не прописывается в bin, нужно это сделать самому:
$ ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" /usr/local/bin/sublime
после чего можно будет удобно открывать файлы в терминале с помощью Sublime:
$ sublime workspace/site/index.html