When you have several projects and lots of small tasks it’s easy to forget something important for standup. git standup command will help you with quick commit notes for X period of time.
Git standup to prepare your notes
When you have several projects and lots of small tasks it’s easy to forget something important for standup. git standup command will help you with quick commit notes for X period of time.
Our team found that it was not so convenient to have avatars for assigned developers only for Plan mode and not for Work (Rapid board of Jira Agile).
I’d create a question about that issue on Atlassian Answers, but unfortunately the answer was “Unfortunately this is not possible due to the way User Stories are displayed in the system.”
I had a thought “why not to tweak it with userscript?” and solution came after:
You are welcome with criticism and suggestions.
Симпатичная дружелюбная опен-сорс утилита для организации Scum-доски прогресса юзерстори/заданий.