Decided to update the page “I Use” which is sometimes useful even for myself when reinstalling the OS.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
npkill – a tool to clean up old node_modules

one more tool goes to bookmarks,
with npkill you can easily cleanup all you old node_modules directories, for my it free up 28.11 gb
HTTPie – a command-line HTTP client with a friendly UI
Cmd + Shift + . (dot)
Yesterday I got know that this shortcut toggle visibility of “dotted” files on mac, it made my day. Previously I had to use either additional apps or special mac options that was possible to change only via terminal.
hackmd – Markdown Editor + Collaboration
One more tool goes to bookmarks – HackMD

All Electric Car Comparison – Spreadsheet
There are so much information about different vehicles that I decided to create my own table and collect all information there.

You are more than welcome to add information.
Carbon – service to make “codeshots”
Dutch Tax Income Calculator: Now with offline mode
Finally I found some time to implement service workers that will allow you to use application even there is no internet connection. Check it out!
Also it’s already PWA application, so you can make a shortcut for your mobile desktop:
MacOs: Don’t show specific app icon on Dock
I have a hotkey for the terminal that why I decided to hide the terminal icon from Dock, but it appeared to be not so easy.
You need to go to app contents (by doing right click -> “Show Package Contents“) and change Info.plist file – add special key:
(it could be added to the end of the file):
View encapsulation и другие опции компилятора
Это крайне не рекомендовано, но, тем не менее, иногда приходится глобально выключать инкапсуляцию стилей. Чтобы этого достичь мы можем воспользоваться настройками при бутстрапе модуля, то есть вместо: