Idea: Grunt/gulp/webpack config builder


I don’t know why such kind of service still have not been invented. It’s not only about grunt/gulp or webpack but also about build tools of such kind.

It could be so useful: you just feed your github repo to the service and in step by step wizard create your config file. After all you have pull request with changes(new config file) to your project.

Understanding of component/directive attribute binding types

You probably know that directive component can have 4 different attribute-scope bindings:

  • @” – bind a local scope property to the value of DOM attribute
  • =” – set up a bidirectional binding between a local scope property and an expression passed via the attribute (also for collection “=*” and “=?” if attribute is optional)
  • <” – set up a one-way (one-directional) binding between a local scope property and an expression passed via the attribute
  • &” – provides a way to execute an expression in the context of the parent scope

So I decided to uncover magic of this symbols and recreate their functionality by using attributes from the link function.

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ng-nl 2016. brief review

ng-nl2106 label

This year I also visited NG-NL Conference in Amsterdam and to keep the tradition will share my notes/thoughts about it.

Basically the conference was dedicated to looking deep in Angular2 parts and reactive programming experiments.

All the topics were split into 2 tracks. You can find all the program details here. My route was the following:


Because keynote talks were not separated and columns were not sync in time you could get the illusion of time jump.

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AngularJS: от directive() к component()

пост был подготовлен на основе статьи Exploring the Angular 1.5 .component() method от Todd Moto.

В Angular 1.5 нам был представлен новый метод .component(), который намного проще чем .directive() и при этом он использует все лучшее по умолчанию. Метод .component() также позволит разработчикам писать в Angular2 стиле, то есть сделает переход на вторую версию максимально безболезненным.

В этом посте мы попробуем параллельно разобрать старый и новый подходы для создания компонентов.

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