It would be really nice if we could use native ECMAScript 2015 Promises with Angular instead of $q service that is provided from box to be close to pure JavaScript:
//somewhere inside component controller
let promise = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(‘resolved’), 2000));
promise.then(x => this.x = x);
But in this case we will have to run digest manually for each resolve(to synchronise view and model):
let promise = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(‘resolved’), 2000));
promise.then(x => {
this.x = x;
But what if we hack the Promise and intercept our digest call there:
class SubPromise extends Promise {
constructor(executor) {
super(function(_resolve, _reject) {
var resolve = (data) => {
var res = _resolve(data);
return res;
return executor(resolve, _reject);
now we just need to overwrite standard Promise:
window.Promise = SubPromise;
to keep it simple to cover for unit-tests you can also wrap it into an angular factory:
factory(‘Promise’, () => Promise);
Here you can play with the code.
Discussion on stackoverflow about customising ES6 Promise.
!Attention: This experiment was made just for learning purposes and it should not be applied for the real projects.